epas News
All News about epas can be found here

NPorts hands over crane operation to epas
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The port company in Emden wins an EU-wide tender
Bulk and bulk goods as well as project cargo are handled at the Südkai in Emden. The service provider in crane operations has been leasing the LHM 420 mobile harbor crane to customers by Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG (NPorts) since 2013. It is the core of the contract between Gesellschaft für Hafeninfektur NPorts and Ems Port Agency and Stevedoring Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG, better known as epas. The port service provider buys the handling equipment with effect from January 3, 2022 and receives a concession from NPorts to continue crane operations. At the same time, NPorts will rent storage space near the quay on the south quay to the new concessionaire. There the goods are stored, which are handled by crane at the south quay.
“For us it is the end of an era, for epas a new beginning. It was time to carry out a so-called system change. We have clearly organized and regulated the tasks. With this step we are strengthening the seaport of Emden, ”explains Holger Banik, Managing Director of Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG and JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH & Co. KG.
The system change in the form of a concession model means that crane operations in Emden will be maintained in line with the port’s public character. All port users continue to have non-discriminatory access to the port.
“As a locally based port operator, we are delighted to be able to further strengthen the performance and redundancy of the Emden port with this service. The aim is to integrate the activities on the Südkai into our organizational structures and to develop them successfully, “says Timo Siebahn – Managing Director of Ems Ports Agency & Stevedoring Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG.
In port operations, a distinction is made between infrastructure and superstructure. As a port infrastructure company, Niedersachsen Ports has the task of creating and maintaining berths, quays, tracks of the port railway as well as traffic and operational areas in their ports. The superstructure includes everything that is required on this infrastructure for the operation of the port, for example areas, halls and silos for storage as well as cranes and loading and unloading systems for transshipment. These are usually held and operated by port handling companies.
Up until this year, the ports of Emden and Brake were an exception to the rule. Niedersachsen Ports operated its own cranes at these seaport locations and operated, serviced and maintained them with its own staff. These devices and staff were deployed at the request of the port management company. After crane operations were reorganized in Brake in June 2021, the change in Emden will take place on January 3, 2022.
Emden crane operation
The number of the originally eleven crane systems on the Südkai has steadily declined over the past few years. The first loading bridges were built in 1926 and have been gradually shut down and dismantled since the 1990s. Most recently, the operation of bridge 11 was discontinued at the end of 2019, as continued operation was no longer economical. The last remaining device is the LHM 420 mobile harbor crane.

epas extended its warehouse, storage and office capacities in the port of Emden
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We have expanded our hall, warehouse and office capacities in the Emden seaport!
We can now offer you a further 4,000 m² of storage / production hall space and 1,600 m² of high-quality office space in the Emden seaport.
office building
– 1,600 m² office space on 3 floors
– modern office space of various sizes
– various meeting and conference rooms
– several social rooms
– partially furnished
– air-conditioned
– fiber optic connection (if required)
Storage and production halls (heated)
– 4,000 m² hall space
– modern and bright
– 9 m interior height
– large sliding gates 11 x 6 m
– 4 hall cranes up to 20 t
– several hall offices
– Sea container loading ramp
– central heating
– Workshop including compressed air
– Smoke and heat ventilation (RWA)
– energy efficient lighting
– Daylight through large windows and light domes
– fiber optic connection (if required)
– WLAN illumination of the entire hall area (if required)
All office and hall space can be rented immediately.
Partial letting is possible.
Industrial trucks, trucks and handling equipment are available in the immediate vicinity
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Start of apprenticeship at epas
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This year too, epas is fulfilling its training responsibility and is offering three young people the start of their professional lives. Since the beginning of this week, epas has been employing a total of eight trainees in the professions of “merchant for forwarding and logistics services” and “specialist for warehouse logistics”. Elias Geerken (19) has been doing an internship in our port operations since April this year and was able to gain initial experience at the terminal. Mike Köhm (19) begins his training right after his school career and his voluntary social year. Over the next three years, the two young men will learn how to handle goods, handling equipment, data processing and how to attach and stow general cargo shipments and project cargo. David Bachmann (18) will build on his previous experience in the industry as part of his training as a businessman for freight forwarding and logistics services. Communication and organization form the basic craft for holistic logistics processes and globally linked logistics processes. At epas he learns how to communicate with shipping companies, freight forwarders, service providers and customers. “In addition to the transfer of knowledge, we also focus on the individual support of the trainees,” says Mirja Schmidt, training officer at epas.

Lifting heavy is what we do
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We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our logistics port handling services.

Fee spends her practical semester with us
+++ NEWS +++
Since 03rd August 2020 there is support for the epas team.
Fee studies Maritime Technology and Shipping Management and spends her practical semester with us.
Welcome at epas!
#epas #emden #regional #hsemdenleer #zukunftvonmorgen #shippingbusiness #nordkai

Start of apprenticeship 2020

The sun is shining
German research vessel “Sonne”, which we welcomed and looked after in Emden in the past few weeks, just got ready and left for new adventures.
We would like to thank Briese research department for this assingment as well as for the other ones (RV Maria S. Merian & RV Meteor).
#epas #epasemden #nordkai #emden #briese #brieseresearch #rvsonne #researchvessel #portofemden #shipping #portlife #oostfreesland #teamwork #stayhealthy

No cargo is too big for us!
Discharging of 78,3 mtr. long E-160 rotor blades ex m/v “Western Rock” with our two Liebherr mobile harbor cranes at the terminal Nordkai.
#epas #epasemden #nordkai #emden #portofemden #homeport #projectcargo #stevedoring #portagency #harbour #port #portagent #mariner #ship ##greenenergy #onshorewind #renewableenergy #teamwork

Finally! Safety Culture Ladder!
Now we are also part of the Safety Culture Ladder team!
In March we did successfully complete the initial certification for step 3.
This is great evidence for the company that safety culture plays a major role even for our employees.
Many thanks to all involved parties!
#safetyfirst #epas #safetycultureladder #offshore #tennet #NEN #LloydsRegister #epasemden #emden #teamwork #stayhealthy

Full house in the port of Emden …
Full house in the port of Emden … ?⚓️?
The start was made on 09.04.2020 by the cruise ship “Amera” from Bonn’s #PhoenixReisen. On 10.04.2020 the cruise ship “Albatros” will follow the same shipping company. Both ships are under our agency and visit the port of Emden for cosmetic repairs at the Emder Werft and Dock GmbH (EWD). The shipping company uses the free capacity of the current crisis to carry out the repairs.
On top of that…There are 3 other guests under our agency. The research vessels “Meteor”, “Maria S. Merian” and “Sonne” from Briese Research, Leer will also arrive over the next days due to the current situation at the Emder Werft und Dock GmbH (EWD). The time will also be used for cosmetic repairs.
We look forward to the exciting agency of the ships and wish everyone a nice long and healthy Easter weekend
#epas #epasemden #emden #portofemden #portagency #oostfreesland #phoenixreisen #amera #albatros #cruise #cruiseship #cruiseshipping #travel #phoenixmomente #briese #briesereseach #meteor #mariasmerian #sonne #researchship #researchshipping #research #emderwerftunddock #ewd
#teamwork #stayhealthy